According to Robinson, BBC executives thought the views of the British majority were ‘NOT ACCEPTABLE.’ He added:
"They feared having a conversation about immigration, they feared the consequence…Spot on, Nick. Your lot worried about what ‘might offend’ West Indians, Africans, Indians, Pakistanis, Jews, Muslims, Poles and Romanian Gypsies and couldn’t have cared less about what concerned the native British population. We do know this, Nick and we’re all very grateful that you, at long last, have dared to come right out and confess the ‘terrible mistake’ that you and your ilk made.
The same people who said you couldn’t have Nick Griffin on Question Time said: ‘Don’t talk about this. Do you know what you’re going to unleash? Do you know the horrors that are going to come? There was huge argument within the BBC about that…
We worried too much about airing views that might offend some viewers and listeners and not enough by the offence caused to people who did not hear their own concerns reflected on air.”
Now do you think you can you get the social engineers at the Beeb to stop calling us ‘racist, fascist, Nazi bigots’ whenever we complain about mass immigration? You know, seeing as you’re a liberal Leftie yourself?
Sir Andrew Green, of the think-tank Migration Watch, said this in the 6 January edition of The Daily Mail:
“Nick Robinson is right, the BBC has a lot to answer for. They were largely silent as immigration rose from 50,000 a year to 250,000 a year under the previous government and as net foreign migration reached nearly 4million.
Their coverage has improved a little in the face of overwhelming public opinion, which many of them seem to despise.”Former Tory Cabinet minister Michael Portillo, a regular BBC contributor, said:
“The BBC has failed in the immigration debate over a 40-year period. Ever since the Enoch Powell speech, there has been such a fear that immigration equals racism that the BBC and other outlets have banished reporting the full facts for fear of stoking racism.”
Boy-oh-boy, are the rats are abandoning their rat-holes at a rate of knots, or what? When Sir Andrew Green of Migration Watch says the BBC was ‘largely silent’, you can can include Nick Robinson in the oh-so-silent mix. Not a majority-friendly dickie bird was heard from our Nick on the subject until now.
As for Portillo, you might think that he was up for what we want regarding immigration if all you had to go on was his contribution here. Well, only recently he was saying this:
“I happen to believe that quite a lot of immigration is going to be absolutely fundamental to this country.” (‘This Week,’ 2 May 2013)When the ship is sinking, the rats b*gger off. Or, at least, the smarter ones do. If the smartest of the smart squeak a few ‘not-me-you-lovely-fluffy-plebeians-I-was-on-your-side-all-along’ platitudes as they head for shore, who knows, the barking dogs at the quayside might well seek out the less-repentant rodents first.
We’re always pleased to see a mainstream commentator coming clean about the way things were and still are. The masses, even now, are likely to pay more attention to them than they do to those who told the truth all along. But if they think the odd brownie point scored long after the damge was done is going to stop us from studying, and then exposing their prior anti-indigenous record, such commentators have another thing coming.

“First came ex-director general Mark Thompson's admission that the BBC had a 'massive' Left-wing bias and, for years, had been 'very reticent' discussing immigration.
Then, last year, it was the turn of outgoing head of news Helen Boaden to confess that the Corporation had a 'deep liberal bias' that prevented it from taking 'seriously' the views of campaign groups such as MigrationWatch.
Now BBC political editor Nick Robinson says his employer made a 'terrible mistake' in censoring the public's legitimate fears about the strain being put on British society by an unprecedented number of new arrivals… Unusually, Mr Robinson made his remarks while still in the prime of his BBC career.
Normally executives are scurrying out of the door (with a large pay-off from the taxpayer) before they admit just how outrageously slanted their coverage of immigration and the EU had been.
But what Mr Robinson has in common with his ex-colleagues is the utter delusion that such bias is all a thing of the past and the BBC 'has now changed'. Consider, for instance, how the Corporation gave excited blanket coverage two months ago to a heavily spun report by University College London, claiming that migrants have made a 'substantial' contribution to Britain's public finances.Oh yes. Without the censorship of silence, the whole truth is, at last, being heard by a majority starved of it for so long. The censors really ‘regret’ this.
Yet, when the UCL's own Emeritus Professor of Statistics warned last week that the research was 'fatally flawed', a BBC still dominated by liberal bien-pensant opinion did not report a word of it.
As with the Labour Party, we suspect the BBC's only real regret over immigration is that its shameful attempt to silence all public debate on the subject did not succeed.”
You see, with much justification, they fear the inevitable reaction.
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