Thursday, 9 January 2014

Gang of 21st century knights required!

On 6 January 2014, former Cabinet Minister, Norman Tebbit, said this in The Daily Telegraph:
"The European Commission now has the right to make laws without the need to go to even the European Parliament, let alone that of Westminster... The European Arrest Warrant allows countries with very little track record of the rule of law as Churchill would have known it to seize British citizens in our own country and lock them up...

These are matters which Mr Cameron will not welcome being debated during the European Elections this year, nor the general election next year...

The European Commission would have to be confronted by a gang of 21st century knights to be brought to heel and for the process of creating a European democracy to begin. That would be uncomfortable for some of the powerful corporate barons of commerce and industry who would rather carve deals with the Commission than conform to a common law for all...

It is hard to be optimistic about that."

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