"Anjem Choudary, Britain’s most eminent Hate-Preacher-Who-Also-Lives-On-Benefits... has hit the news again, just as he intended, this time for marching down Brick Lane threatening shopkeepers with 40 lashes if they don’t stop selling alcohol.
At the same time he has gone on record, acclaiming Muslim gangs (who recently attacked drinkers on London’s streets), as 'fantastic.'
Now, simple minded souls might wonder whether Choudary was breaking the law here: isn’t it an incitement to violence, when you praise vicious mobs as 'fantastic?' Isn’t it criminal, in some way, to menace shopkeepers with '40 lashes?'
Come to think of it, you might wonder why Choudary hasn’t been jailed before, given his record. In 2003 he was investigated for organising terrorist training camps. Around the same time he praised the 9/11 bombers as 'magnificent martyrs.' A few months later he predicted attacks on British soil. In 2005 he refused to condemn the 7/7 slaughters in London.
In 2006 he organised a protest outside the Danish Embassy in London where, notoriously, the protestors carried placards saying 'Exterminate those who slander Islam,' 'Behead those who insult Islam,' and 'Be prepared for the real holocaust.'
Some might imagine this was clearly an incitement to violence and racial/religious hatred, and worthy of jail time – but no. Choudary received a £500 fine, but it was imposed because he failed to inform police of the planned demo.
At various occasions between 2003 and 2011 he also preached to at least one of the men who went on to kill Woolwich drummer Lee Rigby.Choudary has since refused to condemn this slaughter: he has gone on record as saying Rigby is now 'burning in hell;' he has praised one of the killers as a 'very nice man'...
So why isn’t Choudary ever banged up for racism, or incitement to racial and religious hatred? Because, as Assistant Met Commissioner Cressida Dick informed MPs, just after the Rigby murder, 'offences under the hatred laws' are 'difficult to prosecute' and it seems he never crosses the line. And that’s true, isn’t it? Hardly anyone is jailed for racial or religious hatred, because it is so 'difficult to prosecute.'
I mean, off the top of my head, I can only think of 52-year-old Keith Hurdle, just given four months in prison for a racist rant on a Tube train, and Swansea student Liam Stacey, who got 54 days in prison for some racist tweets, and 42-year-old Jacqueline Woodhouse, given 21 weeks for a racist rant on another train, and six Charlton fans, jailed for 18 months for singing racist songs, and 62-year-old David Rowley, locked up for eight months after sending four racist texts, and Anthony Buck given four months for posting Islamophobic remarks on Facebook, and electrician Darren Tosh, who got 16 weeks inside for some more racist texts, and Grimsby man Terence Baker, who got prison time for being Islamophobic on the Internet, and Glaswegian Stephen Birrell, who got eight months for inciting hatred of Catholics on Facebook, and Gareth Hemingway, of Bognor Regis, who got 15 months for uploading racist clips to Youtube, and 34-year-old Emma West, who spent two weeks in jail for shouting at some foreign people on a tram, and Martin Smith, slammed in a cell for having a potentially racist ringtone, and fortysomething Ronnie Hutton, who spent days behind bars after revving his car in a racist manner, and 19-year-old Celtic fan Sean Smith, who got three months in prison for impersonating a monkey in the direction of a Senegalese footballer.
Yes, Anjem Choudary can count himself a lucky man. If only the police weren’t hamstrung by our soft, feeble laws against racial and religious hatred, which are so difficult to prosecute,' he might be facing a few weeks in one of Her Majesty’s jails."

But then anti-Britishness is all part of the traitorous game played by Common Purpose operatives by you, isn't it? Oh, yes, Ms Dick is both a member and patron of this sinister globalist, pro- EU outfit.
Dick was the 'Gold Commander' in the control room on the day of the Metropolitan Police operation which saw Jean-Charles de Menezez shot dead on the London Underground. She, more than anyone else, was responsible for his death.
Despite the Menezez family identifying 25 mistakes made by Ms Dick, she subsequently said that she would not have done anything differently. She has since been promoted twice.
Before her various promotions, London Mayor, Ken Livingstone, said she was the 'most talented' officer he had worked and described her as having 'Commissioner potential.'
If anyone out there wants to know the answer to Sean's 'why isn’t Choudary ever banged up for racism,' poser, which he has, of course, already answered indirectly himself, the direct answer would be as follows:
The animals at the top of the tree, their bought politicians and their Cressida Dicks are at war with us.
They are not at war with Anjem Choudary and his 'behead those who insult Islam' posse.
Have you not considered that Choudary may not be all he seems? Perhaps a Joseph Cohen of sorts - though I'm not implying he's Jewish. Even if he's genuine I think he serves a purpose, and that's to antagonise tabloid readers and make our foreign conflicts justifiable. Islam is not the friend of TPTB, surely you can see that?
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas!
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ReplyDeleteOh yes. The fact that Choudary may be an "agent provocateur" of a Western establishment contemptuous of the indigenous majority must surely have occurred to anyone who investigates his doings. Whatever his motivation, said establishment's reluctance to interfere with an avowed and unapologetic Brit-loathing foreigner is as intriguing and instructive as it is appalling.