He was stabbed repeatedly outside the Longacre Tavern following a row that started in the pub.
Paul and his friends were out celebrating the New Year when, just after midnight, an argument broke out between his friend and a group of mainly black men and women. Paul did his best to separate the two sides and things quietened down. However, after a few minutes the row started up again with a foul-mouthed black female at the centre of it.
It spilled out into the street outside the pub and, once again, Paul was seen trying to calm things down. Despite his easily perceived role as peacemaker, Paul was stabbed.
In March 2007, Paul's killer had still not been apprehended. Detective Inspector Guy Turner said:
"I've never experienced this before. Some people we know saw the incident are telling us point blank that they haven't seen it. A misguided sense of loyalty is protecting a killer in the community."On 8 April 2007, The Observer reported thus:
"When questioned, not a single neighbour was prepared to admit that they knew who lived at the suspect's address. Some stared blankly, others shrugged their shoulders at the mention of his name. One youth turned and sprinted away when confronted."One night in March 2007, a poem called 'Running from Paul Kelly' was plastered all over the area adjacent to the Longacre Tavern where Paul was murdered. Nathan Dixon's name was removed from the poem cited below by those media outlets who reported its contents.
"Now I will show how a few words can be made
As sharp and deadly as any boy's blade.
How running away will not you save
The truth is there like an open grave.
You can wipe your bloody hands in the grass, till they bleed...
A defenceless man is dead and his blood's gone cold
But the story of his end is going to be told
You can run and run till your shoes wear thin
And hope that you're safe, 'cos of the colour of your skin
Paul Kelly lies dead, and who held the knife?
It was youxxxxxxwe all saw take his life.
The New Year was but a short hour old
When you and your mates were: Oh, so bold,
You put us to shame,
But we did the same
It was black on white, so it must be right
It was you who said: 'He had it coming that night'
Then you ran away and we turned our backs
You said we would be next if we breathed a word
We took in your threats that now sound absurd
So we closed our eyes
And took in your lies
So where will you run when, at last, you face a brave man?Despite all concerned knowing the ethnicity of Paul's killer, the PC Crowd still sought to make capital out of the crime. The Observer continued:
You gonna run once more through the streets, all a-quiver?
Will wash yourself down in the deep, deep river?
You, young xxxxxx, where you threw the knife,
Listen to what I say and take good heed
You can wipe your bloody hands in the grass, till they bleed ...
But you will never, never get them clean".
"Racial equality groups claim that officers have caused disquiet by arresting people over the murder simply because they are black.
One reason the killer remains at large, claims the city's racial equality council, is an ingrained suspicion of authority by elder members of bath's black community which has infected a younger generation. Police were warned two years ago that unless ethnic minorities were given their own community facilities, bored and alienated youths would turn to serious crime."So, the PC Crowd warns us that, if an immigrant community with an 'ingrained suspicion' of British authority (so ingrained that it would not assist the police in finding a killer if the killer was one of their own) was not provided with even more freebies than it had already been given, black youth would turn to serious crime. Paul's death would suggest that those who are prepared to threaten the authorities thus, did not get all they required.
After a £10,000 reward was posted on BBC's Crimewatch, one name was repeatedly mentioned, albeit anonymously, and 18-year-old Nathan 'Nitro' Dixon was taken into custody soon afterwards.
In court, a 15-year-old girl said she saw Dixon stab Paul, adding:
"I saw Nathan was stabbing him with something. He did it a few times. I could tell it was more than once. Then I saw Nathan get up and kick him. I said 'What are you doing? You have stabbed him. That's enough now'."Describing Dixon, she said:
"He hasn't really got any friends... He tries to intimidate me. He tries to snatch my cigarettes and money... I said: 'I will tell the police you committed the murder'. He said 'if you do that I will shoot you'. Now he's committed the crime he thinks he is really big and bad. As soon as I said 'little murderer', he sat there shaking and looking really scared."She said Dixon, who has short hair, had told her to tell police the killer had been someone with dreadlocks.
At his trial, it was pointed out that Dixon had used rap terminology to boast to friends that he was the killer. 'I poke him, I'm a 187,' he said. 187 is the catalogue penal code for murder in the first degree in California.
The term is often used in rap songs.
18-year-old Dixon also admitted this:
"I'm a murderer. He got what he deserved... I told him 'I will do you when you come outside.' I boxed him up."

As the verdict was read out, Paul's father banged his fist on the pillars of the public gallery and yelled:
"NO JUSTICE"!Aye, Mr Kelly. No justice. Now you know how it really is with us.
On 20 November 2012, The Daily Record reported thus:
"Dixon looked like a fresh-faced schoolboy in a suit and tie when he appeared in court charged with Paul’s murder, and the jury cleared him after deciding that witnesses were unreliable. But he cuts a different figure in the YouTube film, where he struts around flanked by a pack of grinning 'hoodies' and brags:
'I own the night. Lie low or die. Run when the psycho arrives.'
The refrain of Dixon’s rap is “f*** around I’ll leave you bleedin’ in town, leaking from the jugular.'
Dixon has previous convictions for assault, a public order offence, thefts and criminal damage. He was convicted in July this year of assaulting a police officer and breaking the officer’s glasses, and was given a community order...
Dixon’s YouTube video begins with a still image of the lane beside the pub in Bath, Avon, where Paul was fatally stabbed early on New Year’s Day 2007. And much of it was shot at the block of flats in the town where Paul lived. The camera focuses on signs for the ninth floor, where he had his home."On 8 April 2007, The Observer had reported thus:
"Kelly, a father-of-two, met his fate at the hands of SOMEONE WHO MANY CLEARLY BELIEVE WILL STRIKE AGAIN."
When he does, remember those who would not 'grass.' And remember a 'British' Jury who, by a majority verdict, freed a murderous, black beast to kill again.

"Nathan Dixon, 23, of Coxley Drive, in the city, left his 24-year-old victim with serious injuries following the attack in Gay Street on 7 April.Diversity kills, doesn't it? It also tries to kill again, when it is freed to do so.
He was sentenced at Bristol Crown Court to 13 years in prison for causing grievous bodily harm with intent, and two and a half years for drug offences.
He had pleaded guilty to supplying cocaine, cannabis and MDMA.
The victim was treated at the Royal United Hospital after what was described in court as a 'savage, brutal and sustained' attack on an unarmed man."
NEVER forgive yourself for your complicity in these events, ladies and gentlemen. Your collusion in the destruction of the world your ancestors made for you, and those who come after you, is well documented. Your coward acceptance of the evils forced upon you and yours by LibLabCon and their Satanic owners has left so many 'bleedin’ in town, leaking from the jugular.'
How come you're still aiding and abetting the Nitro Dixons? Why do you let them 'own the night.'
Why do you pretend not to notice as the governments you vote for turn a blind eye to 'packs of grinning hoodies' as they celebrate their murderous successes on YouTube?
You killed Paul Murphy.
And many, many others.
Perhaps when your son, your daughter, your grandchild is murdered, you will wake up to the essential role you, yourselves, played in the horror.
But I doubt it.
And many, many others.
Perhaps when your son, your daughter, your grandchild is murdered, you will wake up to the essential role you, yourselves, played in the horror.
But I doubt it.
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