This is the future the traitorous politicians of the western world have done their level best to ensure. This is what the the malign, anti-indigenous social engineers have been planning for many decades now. Here's the proof:
Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi was the founder, and President for 49 years, of the Pan-European Union.
In his 1925 book, ‘Praktischer Idealismus,’ he says this:
"The man of the future will be mixed-race... The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future... will replace the diversity of peoples...Coudenhove-Kalergi was, himself, mixed-race. His father was an Austro-Hungarian aristocrat, his mother was the daughter of a Japanese oil tycoon.
Russian Bolshevism constitutes a decisive step towards this purpose, where a small group of Communist spiritual aristocrats govern the country…
From the European quantity-people… the mass, two quality races rise up: blood aristocracy and the Jews… both of them stick to their belief in their higher mission, of their better blood… In both of these… lies the core of the European nobility of the future…
Modern Jewry surpasses all other peoples in percentage of important men… with Trotsky as the frontrunner of modern politics… The prominent position held by the Jews these days is owed to their spiritual supremacy… Modern anti-Semitism is one of the many reactionary phenomena of the mediocre against the supreme…
As a people the Jews experience the eternal struggle of quantity against quality, inferior groups against high quality individuals, inferior majorities against superior minorities.”
In 1925, an aristocratic, mixed-race, Austro-Hungarian Japanese gent, two of whose three wives were Jewish, wanted to breed we ‘inferior’ mediocrities out of existence. After which Communism would be installed as the creed of the Eurasian negroes taking our place, with the ‘superior’ Jew and the 'better blood' aristocrat in charge.
Ladies and gentlemen, 88 years ago genocidal New World Order treachery at its most hair-raisingly in your face, was up and running in the corridors of elite power, at all levels in the Western World.
On 19 September 1946, Winston Churchill said this:
"We must build a kind of United States of Europe… Much work has been done upon this task by the exertions of the Pan-European Union which owes so much to Count Coudenhove-Kalergi...In his memoirs, Coudenhove-Kalergi says:
The structure of the United States of Europe, if well and truly built, will be such as to make the material state of a single state less important.”
"At the beginning of 1924, we received a call from Baron Louis de Rothschild. One of his friends, Max Warburg… had read my book… and wanted to get to know us.

He arranged his 1925 trip to the United States to introduce me to Paul Warburg and financier Bernard Baruch."
The Jewish businessman and banker, Bernard Baruch, was the intimate advisor and confidant of no less than four American presidents.
Max Warburg was the director of the family’s banking house in Hamburg from 1910 until 1938, when he left Germany for America. As head of the firm, he had been an adviser to Kaiser Wilhelm prior to and during World War I.
Paul Warburg, the brother of Felix and Max, was the man most responsible for the creation, in 1913, of the Federal Reserve. In ‘Warburg, the Revolutionist,' Harold Kellock told us this in the May 1915 issue of Century Magazine:
"Paul M. Warburg is probably the mildest-mannered man that ever personally conducted a revolution… He stepped forth armed simply with an idea and he conquered… He imposed his idea on a nation of a hundred million people…On 17 February 1950, addressing the US Senate, Franklin D. Roosevelt’s top financial adviser, James Warburg, said this:
Warburg does not look like a… revolutionist but he’s played that role for nearly seven years…
The passage of the Federal Reserve Act… made his revolutionary ideas the law of the land. There is no doubt that without Mr. Warburg there would have been no Federal Reserve Act.”
"We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent."James Warburg was Paul Warburg’s son.
On 19 November 2012, the European Council website said this:

The prize is awarded to leading personalities for their extraordinary commitment in the European unification process…The melting pot endeavours of Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi on behalf of ‘Communist spiritual aristocrats’ and the ‘quality races’ of ‘aristocracy and the Jews’ were rewarded when, in 1950, he became the first recipient of the Charlemagne Prize.
The idea, which was also at the centre of Coudenhove-Kalergi's work, has lost nothing of its importance 90 years later.”
Other winners of the prize that bears the first Holy Roman Emperor's name have included Winston Churchill; Roy Jenkins; Edward Heath; Bill Clinton; Henry Kissinger and Tony Blair.
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